February 2, 2022

What You Can Do with a Strength Trainer?

What You Can Do with a Strength Trainer?

It takes less than a minute of reflection to realize that the question is not, “What could a strength trainer do for me?” It is the very nature of the subject that it is more a matter of, “What could I do with a strength trainer?”

The answers are not only abundant, but also as many and varied as the clients we are privileged to serve, because each and every one comes with their own assets, experiences, and goals.

What We Were Born With

The body we were born with is only the beginning, and yet it is not a beginning to take lightly, much less to overlook. Heredity gives everyone plusses and minuses, advantages and obstacles. The one thing heredity does not give us is any excuses or any reason to believe that the help of an Atlanta strength trainer is not something from which we could benefit. Efforts to generalize about body types or even to classify people by abilities or potential have historically been discredited. We have no use for them. The specific people with whom we work are each in a category all their own.

Just have a look at our own colleagues and associates, here in Atlanta on the Eclipse team, who are all strength trainers in their own rights. Each of us came to this calling with his or her own foundation on which to build. What we made of that start is what made the difference in our lives, and this is the experience we seek to share, each of us, as a strength trainer on whom fitness-minded people of Atlanta can rely.

How Experience Counts

Each of us considers the services of a strength trainer with our own characteristic collection of experiences under our belt. Maybe we were the last to be picked whenever playground games were teamed up, and the memory motivated us to train and try harder ever since. On the other hand, some of us were among the first chosen, and yet harbored doubts inside about whether we could live up to those expectations. Still others chose the option of simply withdrawing, deciding to devote our attention and energy to non-athletic pursuits, where we appeared to be more naturally suited or felt an instinctive fit.

Wherever we came from, understanding the desires and impulses that brought us to consider a strength trainer as part of our Atlanta fitness regimen is the source of a productive conversation as we set out to train. The attitudes we imbedded in ourselves about exercise and strength and achievement are keys to making the services of a strength trainer productive and worthwhile.

On the foundation of our own attitudes, we each built up a body of experience that resulted in the state of our physical bodies. Whether those attitudes turned us into lifelong athletes, or aesthetes, or wallflowers, the body we bring to a strength trainer is the result of the attitude or posture we chose to take through life, in response to our early experience.

How You Can Feel

Those foundational attitudes might include ideas about limitation. Our beliefs about what we can expect and achieve are frequently the weakest part of our makeup. In fact, reshaping those attitudes, raising those expectations, and expanding those possibilities are among the first results we can expect when we go to work with a strength trainer.

For most of us, how we feel is the first dimension to get stronger with a strength trainer.

How You Can Look

Let’s be honest, looking better is one of the reasonable motivations behind seeking the services of an Atlanta strength trainer. And here is perhaps the first example we will see of how it all is knit together as a whole, the results of the guided work we do. Many times, people come to our Atlanta-based strength trainers with an image of bigger biceps or thinner thighs uppermost in their desires or even a prominent feature of their goals. That’s okay, but it is also a fine example of too-limited expectations. In our experience, the first place you can expect to look better is in your face. The confidence, the self-regard, the inner value that people sense, even as they begin working with a strength trainer, shows up in the outlook that’s reflected in the face with which they interact with the world.

Another example of how initial expectations for how we will look as the result of engaging a strength trainer is balance and proportion. People typically come to the strength trainer with an image of improving a particular body part or “problem” area. In fact, one of the advantages of our Atlanta strength trainers is that he or she will guide you to develop every other part of the body in a pleasing proportion to that area of which you at first were conscious. Bigger is not always better. And when bigger is actually the goal, then balancing the size of that muscle group with others in a complementary proportion is a valuable contribution you can expect from the guidance of a strength trainer.

What You Can Do

In many instances, the motive for working with a strength trainer is performance – enhancing our abilities to do something more effectively, efficiently, or with more satisfactory results. Whether the goal of performance in on the playing field, in the workplace, around the home, or even running the Atlanta Belt Line, a strength trainer certainly can make a terrific difference in how directly and thoroughly you can achieve your performance goals.

Avoiding wasted time and effort, making sure every step is closer to your goal, helping you envision that goal in ways that are meaningful and motivating for you every day – these too are among the advantages you put on your side when you consult a strength trainer.

At Eclipse 1-on-1, your personal success is our passion and our pursuit. We are as dedicated to your success as you are. Let’s get acquainted and put our team on your side.

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