August 21, 2021

Ally for Well-Being – Your Atlanta Personal Trainer

Ally for Well-Being – Your Atlanta Personal Trainer

The answers are as different as the people whose lives have been changed for the better, when they asked, “Why should I find an Atlanta personal trainer?”

The goals that each of us has for feeling, looking, working, and playing our best can take on a variety of dimensions. Any or all might apply, at any given time. Over the course of our lives, those answers change, too. It’s personal. That’s why so many people in Atlanta, in so many walks of life, have found a personal trainer to be a basic building block of well being. There are an awful lot of answers, but let’s try to boil them down to a half dozen. Just for exercise, you might say.

Setting Goals

The need for expertise starts before the very first exercise – way before even choosing it. The sciences of human behavior find again and again that just about everything works better with a goal. A personal trainer starts by knowing their client’s environment, and their first contributions come from taking time to assess. Every person has certain characteristics, both physical and mental, and the highly personal differences in these characteristics form the palette from which goals are drawn.

As one of the leading personal trainers in Atlanta, our goal is to connect clients with the version of themselves that they envision. This is not an ideal based on anyone else or on some outside image. The magic of a personal trainer is that he or she takes time to understand the well-being you desire and identifying the most ideal route to get there. Goal setting is characteristic, personal, individual, in fact unique in every case.

A Personal Workout

With your own goal in mind, your personal trainer is equipped with the training, the experience, and the ongoing professional education to design a workout that builds on your strengths, addresses your weaknesses, and progresses steadily toward your unique goals.

The basics include, and are by no means limited to, considerations such as these. If your intent is to build size and mass, then resistance exercise that approaches your maximum capacity – for example the heaviest weight you can lift safely – for a minimal number of repetitions, possibly even “singling out” in the final set – is likely to be part of your program. On the other hand, if muscle tone, fat-burning, and general fitness are the main goals, then your Atlanta personal trainer might specify using weights in your exercises that you can handle for up to 12 repetitions.

If weight loss and fat burning are on the menu of goals, then cardiovascular exercises are likely to be part of the program. Expert personal trainers know, too, that resistance or “weights” and “cardio” are not necessarily two different camps. Plenty of exercises exist that yield both kinds of benefit. Building muscle and tone increases resting metabolism, too, so even weight training can have a weight-loss and fat-burning benefit. These considerations are barely the beginning of the array of choices available for a personal fitness program.

The Advantages of Pure Expertise

A popular philosopher once observed that the mark of an expert is the ability to make more specific distinctions in a particular subject – in other words, to master more specifics. The personal trainers at Eclipse in Atlanta bring just this advantage, based on training, experience – and interest. Never forget that a personal trainer is someone who was fascinated enough by these skills and this body of knowledge to devote their career to the practice of fitness.

The benefits of being accompanied on your journey by such a person are many. Some can be anticipated, such as devising a specifically tailored program, and some arise just when you need them, such as knowing how to break out of a plateau or work around a sore spot while it heals. The human body is a marvel in so many ways, that someone who is immersed in its study and application can be an invaluable ally on the way to your own version of fitness and well-being.

To Safely Reach Beyond Your Grasp

The capacity of a personal trainer to push just enough, without rushing or risking, is one of the key reasons to engage a trainer. Our comfort zones are so magnetic that the outside influence of someone who can encourage us to challenge them is one of the great reasons to put a trainer on your side.

Conversely, the risk of injury is greatly reduced with a personal trainer on our team. Trainers get to know our strengths, weaknesses, capacities, and flexibilities, often better than we know them ourselves. Combined with their knowledge of exercise and equipment, trainers can steer us away from danger and chart a course that avoids injury.

Motivation and Accountability

Last but not least, a personal trainer is like a professional workout buddy – and who in Atlanta doesn’t need one of those? Just knowing that person is there can make the difference between “ho-hum” or “mañana,” and putting another workout in the bank. To be answerable to someone who is dedicated to your well-being is worth a great deal.

On this point, it is no accident that at Eclipse 1 on 1, we say we are as dedicated to your success as you are. (On some days, maybe even a little more so.) This is our passion and our pursuit, and it’s a good idea to put us on your side.

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