December 21, 2022

Creating a Successful New Year’s Fitness Resolution

Creating a Successful New Year’s Fitness Resolution

Another new year is just days away, which means it’s time to sweep this year’s failed resolutions under the rug and create some new resolutions that are achievable and won’t test your willpower. If you are like most people, your primary focus for the coming year will be on creating a better version of you, as studies show that 95% of New Year’s resolutions are health and fitness related. Unfortunately, those same studies show that most of us will fail.

For most of us, failure is closer that you think. In fact, Foursquare – the places and attractions app – has deemed the second Saturday in February, or February 11, as “Fall off the Wagon Day.” This is the day that the company has identified when visits to fast-food joints spike and visits to gyms fall.

Why do so many of us abandon our fitness resolutions so quickly? Foursquare has the answers.

  • 42% find it too difficult to follow a workout routine or diet.
  • 38% find it too hard to get back on track after they stopped exercising for a while.
  • 36% find it hard to squeeze fitness into their schedule.

Do any of these disappointing statistics sound like you?

Make It Personal

Declaring you “want to look better” or “lose weight” as your reason for getting fit may not be enough of a reason to help you stick with an exercise routine. This is especially true if you only want to improve your fitness level because you feel pressure from society, family, or friends. While exercise can help your body change for the better, more tangible benefits of getting fit that we can all connect with more would be:

  • You’ll have more energy
  • You’ll feel better
  • You’ll be more productive
  • You’ll have better metabolism
  • You’ll have more confidence
  • You’ll be stronger

Make Your Fitness Goals SMART

One of the biggest reasons we abandon our New Year’s fitness resolutions is because we make goals that are unrealistic within the timeframe we set for ourselves. We then get discouraged thinking we can’t get what we want. For instance, if you haven’t exercised in a while and could stand to lose a few pounds of belly fat, you’re not going to have a six-pack by April.

For this reason, we need to make our fitness goals SMART: specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time bound. A goal might simply be to run a 5K by June 30 or to complete 25 push-ups in 60 seconds by April 1. Starting small with attainable goals – and then building on your successes – will keep you from becoming discouraged and giving up.

Find Someone to Keep You Accountable

For most of us, being SMART simply isn’t enough, and if we want to achieve our goals, we need to add a measure of accountability. Unfortunately, many of us believe self-accountability is all it takes, which is why we join spin classes, purchase Fitbits, or invest in smart scales. However, when we are accountable only to ourselves, that accountability is often tossed out the window – and somewhere around February 11, if Foursquare is to be believed.

For ultimate accountability, you need a personal trainer, who will help you get in shape, lose weight, prepare for an upcoming event (which includes everything from competing in a Tough Mudder to walking down the aisle), show you how to get started, or make your existing workout routine more effective.

Sure, hiring a personal trainer is a big decision, but it can be well worth your time, even if you are only able to work with one on a short-term basis. A personal trainer can help tailor a custom plan just for you and provide invaluable support and accountability in your fitness journey. No matter if you’re just starting out, took a break from working out and want to get back into it, or are working out regularly but not getting the results you’re aiming for, a trainer is the perfect person to make sure you are doing exercises correctly and making the most of your time at the gym.

Ultimately, it is you who does the work that produces results. Because nobody can exercise for you, training, fitness, and well-being might seem like a solitary task. And yet, for a whole lot of reasons, even the world’s most accomplished athletes invariably employ a coach or counsellor. Even championship teams have long put strength coaches and training specialists on staff because the coaches who focus on skills and teamwork see a need for someone else who knows just that much about building individual strength, flexibility, and endurance.

If the teams and athletes and movie stars that get and keep the world’s attention with their accomplishments call on personal trainers to help them fulfill their potential, then maybe that is a resource that could help you, too.

Still Need Help?

Certainly, there’s no shortage of fitness guides and tips on the Internet and social media. There are scores of magazines devoted to the topic, from Men’s Health to Oxygen to Muscular Development. While all this information is great, it can be more overwhelming than helpful. Figuring out which workout plans to follow, what works for your goals, what kind of exercise equipment you need, how to use that equipment safely and effectively, and whether you can even stick to the workout plan is a daunting task.

Which is why we developed this ebook, “10 Reasons Why You Need a Personal Trainer.” In just 15 minutes, Eclipse trainer Alex Carson cuts through all the clutter to provide you with his insights on the topic. Who knows? One of his secrets might hit home for you. Best of all, it’s free for the taking, and just might help you discover the link between the fitness you have now and the fitness you want to enjoy and give yourself the encouragement it takes to stick with it for the long haul.

At Eclipse 1-on-1, we are as invested in your success as you are. Let’s get together and talk about what an individualized program and an Atlanta personal trainer might mean for you in 2023.

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